NOTE: You couldn't tell it from the rest of the samples on this site, but I love to write short ads. When Palmer opened its college in Port Orange, Fla., our intent was to convince the community that it had scored a good thing by landing a Palmer school. So we ran a billboard that said simply FIRST CLASS. (Of course, it had the logo and positioning line under it.) But the play on words said it all. Included here is a longer ad to meet the advertising challenge posed by the chiropractic Centennial in 1995. This is one of a series of four intended to fortify the profession, which was going through an especially difficult time with perceived threats of health care reform and orchestrated bashing in the media. The punch line here was a big hit with the chiropractors, who quoted it many times throughout the Centennial celebration.

Courage Ad


\’ker-ij\ n [ME corage, fr. OF, fr.cuer heart] (14c): mental or moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand danger, fear of difficulty syn METTLE, SPIRIT. COURAGE implies firmness of mind and will; METTLE suggests an ingrained capacity for meeting strain with fortitude and resilience; SPIRIT suggests a quality of temperament enabling one to keep one’s morale when threatened.

It is said that, when a lion roars on the African veldt, he lowers his head to the ground so the sound resonates in all directions. Not able to tell where the roar is coming from, the antelope panic and scatter, some running right into his mouth. These days many in our profession are running like frightened antelope.

The lion is fear of the future, and the roars we hear are the dire predictions about what will happen under health care reform. Some are stampeding to expand chiropractic services to include prescribing drugs. Others want to restrict our practice to back pain and headaches. Both extremes suggest we are still intimidated by the medical profession. Either course could result in our being swallowed up.

These days we need mental and moral strength. We cannot afford to panic and scatter and become prey. We need to remind ourselves and proclaim to others that only our profession is in touch with leading-edge, non-mechanistic scientific thinking. Why should we abandon what we know when what we know is about to transform the world of health care? So, what should we do when the lion roars?

Roar back.


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